DigiZation – Consultative Meeting / 13 th – 19 th January 2019 / Portimão, Portugal / 3 participants from Belgium
About the meeting:This Consultative Meeting is designed for municipality officers , youth workers or members of youth councils or other participation mechanisms within the municipality (local governance), who aim to explore the topic of Digital Participation in Youth Organizations to engage young people. The meeting will involve 8 participants from the 4 partner countries, Austria, Belgium, Macedonia and Portugal and also 4 experts on the topic from each country who will work on the booklet and contribute for the discussing in joint sessions.
About the project: DigiZation is a KA2- project funded by Eramus + programme that addresses the development of high-quality skills for youth workers and organizational staff who is working to raise the level of participation of young people and to ensure more inclusion in participatory processes of youth from diverse backgrounds. It is lead by Popedu (Austria), that has as partners DYPALL (Portugal), Out of Box (Belgium) and CID (North Macedonia).