On the 12-13th of September, 2019, Out of the Box has implemented an info workshop for Digization project in Brussels, Belgium.
During the session, the participants, coming from entrepreneurial and trainer background were introduced to the outcomes of the project: the toolkit, the intellectual outputs and further mobility opportunities.
The aim of this session was to explore the specifics related to digital youth participation; to examine the needs and challenges of digital youth participation in different countries; to discuss the importance of digital participation in mass productions such as the Youth Capital of Europe; to share good practices; to debate innovative ways of youth participation (new technologies, long-distance tools, etc.); to offer space for long-term partnership building among organizations active in the field of youth participation, for future projects.
DigiZation is a KA2- project funded by the Eramus+ programme to address the development of high-quality skills for youth workers and organisational staff , working to raise the level of participation of young people and to ensure more inclusion in participatory processes of youth from diverse backgrounds.