We are thrilled to announce the approval of two projects at OTB International, each designed to address critical social challenges and foster inclusive communities across Europe.
Project: Choose-life: Empowering Youth to Combat Substance Abuse
Youth drug abuse is a growing concern across the EU, presenting a complex social and public health challenge. The Choose-life project is an innovative response, focusing on empowering marginalized youths (ages 14-18) by promoting their psychosocial well-being, education, and inclusion.
This project is expected to develop a preventive program informed by youth perspectives, train 120 youth workers with skills to support at-risk youth, implement a prevention curriculum merging non-formal education with community participation, establish 6 youth councils to advocate for youth-informed policy changes and conduct an awareness campaign reaching over 7,000 people. The project is built with a partnership of 6 countries, aiming to directly engage 240 young individuals and facilitate EU mobility for youth workers and participants.
Project: INCLUSIVE-PATH: Supporting Transitions for Individuals with IDDs
INCLUSIVE-PATH is dedicated to enhancing the transition of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) to post-secondary education and adult learning. This project focuses on capacity building for educators and staff, as well as empowering families and students with IDDs.
The key objectives of the INCLUSIVE-PATH project are to identify and address capacity-building needs through targeted research, develop a 3D interactive digital game, “Pathways Explorers,” to support transition discussions, create handbooks, workshops, and collaborative events promoting inclusive practices, engage in dissemination efforts to ensure long-term impact and integration into future initiatives.
Through these efforts, the project seeks to create more inclusive and supportive environments, ensuring successful transitions for individuals with IDDs.