We kicked off a movement for the environment!
Sport not only contributes to a healthier, fairer and more equal society but has also great potential in raising awareness and harnessing societal energy toward a cause.
The objective of the project is to enhance the link between sport and the environment through experiential learning, promoting outdoor physical activity as a tool to support environmental awareness, and encouraging sustainable practices in sports.
How will we do it? Well together with partners we will:
- Build the capacity of sports professionals at the EU level to promote outdoor physical activity as a tool to educate people on environmental matters
- Design and deliver local sports events inspired by Nature’s Four elements, promoting sport practice while passing on a common environmental sense to young people, their families, and amateur athletes through experiential learning.
- Actively engage sports clubs, young sports players, and amateur athletes by setting up local Green Leagues combining sports tournaments and environmental action.
We are looking forward to developing the project and keeping the sporting spirit aligned with the positive spirit for the environment.
And you? Take a walk, run, play, ride a bike, move, but remember to be kind to nature while you are doing it.
The project is implemented by 7 partners: CESIE (Italy), Vivi Sano Onlus (Italy), APGA (Slovenia), KMOP (Greece), EINURD (Island), CARDET (Cyprus) and Out of The Box International.
The project is co-financed by the ERASMUS-SPORT Programme of the European Commission.