The Green League – Sport Alliance for the Environment consortium meeting took place in Reykjavik on the 22nd and 23rd of January 2024. What a great kick-off of the year!
The partners have looked upon the already implemented and future project activities. The 8 Nature’s 4 Elements Sport Events: sport events inspired by 4 natural elements to promote sport’s practice while passing on a common environmental sense.
Young people made an amazing impact by combining their passion for sport and the environment.
Green League’s Local Tournaments: mini-tournaments of team sports and relay races that combine sport with environmental actions are the next in line to be implemented.
Follow the project activities on the project website or on social media accounts:
Instagram or
PS. Iceland might be “cold” but its beauty is definitely worth a visit.
The project is implemented by 7 partners: CESIE (Italy), Vivi Sano Onlus (Italy), APGA (Slovenia), KMOP (Greece), EINURD (Island), CARDET (Cyprus) and Out of The Box International.
The project is co-financed by the ERASMUS-SPORT Programme of the European Commission.