We are NOTstressed and hope you aren’t either. On the 15th of July we have kicked off a new project titled What?! I’m not stressed! in Pancevo, Serbia. In the following 20 months this project will aim to:
– Empower youth workers for prevention and management of stress among marginalised youngsters, through the development of inspiring and innovative Curriculum, LTTA and an Online course for training youth workers.
– Empower youngsters with fewer opportunities with coping mechanisms to deal with stress and anxiety, through an innovative Toolkit with multidisciplinary approach workshops for beneficiaries.
– Exchange good practices and further develop quality strategic partnerships among partners from 5 European countries with different realities in regards to youth stress management and prevention.
The project outputs will be:
“What?! I’m not stressed!” – O1 Toolkit, O2 Curriculum and O3 E-learning course.
JuBuK (Germany); Realization (Croatia); CNELL (Serbia); LINK DMT (Italy); Wizard, (Croatia) and OTB International Belgium.
We are looking forward to working on this project in a NOTstreessed way.
Enjoy the summer and relax.