Out of the Box International
Friday,28th of April, 2023
Distance learning as it is experienced by its users
Based on 6[1] countries’ reports[2] (including desk research, focus groups and mobile ethnography)
In recent years, education has seen a shift from physical spaces to online learning, or e-learning. While this new type of learning comes with its own set of benefits, there are also some disadvantages. Nonetheless, e-learning was quite positively met by the academic community until the time when most of the world had to turn to distance learning due to the global pandemic of COVID-19. During the crisis, many academic institutions, students and teachers went through a turbulent experience switching fully to online education.
The PLACEDU research explored the impact of online learning in 6 different countries, highlighting the need for a variety of solutions to choose from.
Country specific context
While all countries share quite similar challenges and possibilities related to distance learning, some unique features could be perceived as country-specific:
During distance teaching, higher education institutions (HEIs) in Belgium developed well-being policies[3]. The stay-at-home order implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic has increased academic demand and decreased peer support among HEIs students. This situation was strongly linked with the occurrence of depressive symptoms[4]. Cooperation and synergies between the three language-based communities are needed to allow for the exchange of good practices. The three communities in Belgium are likely facing the same challenges. Regarding educational reforms, the Flemish community is the one leading the way. Through the exchange of best practices, the other language-based communities could potentially benefit from knowledge spillovers.
PLACEDU project will form a platform where a variety of challenges in remote education will be addressed. Additionally, training will be created to enhance teachers’ competencies.
- Although some measures have been taken, it is obvious that teachers need more training for e-teaching and students need more training for e-learning.
- It is important to rethink classes in a new setting and understand that some features that have been working during face-to-face classes, may not work in a virtual environment.
- Inevitably, one should strive for all classes (if this is possible) to be more interactive and encourage active student participation. Online classrooms should not be used only as a repository for materials and as support but also as an interactive learning environment.
PLACEDU will strengthen digital skills as a transversal topic of the curriculum. The switch to online learning has exacerbated existing educational inequalities resulting both in learning losses and educational disengagement. Support is needed for academic and administrative staff at educational institutions on how to replace on-site teaching with online delivery. Teaching methods, textbooks, etc. need to be adapted for distance education, and a qualitative upgrade at many levels of teaching, use of technology, etc. is needed.
However, the focus will be on teachers and students’ physical and mental well-being. As regular contact between students and teachers can help improve motivation and engagement in the learning process, it is key to foster a more direct exchange between educators and learners.
So what will be the next normal in education? How will it look and feel like?
Are demotivated students and teachers staring at a black screen the NEXT NEW NORMAL in education?
PLACEDU will do its best to tackle the drawbacks of distance learning.
The PLACEDU Project Coordinator, Zemartas Budrys:
The project aims to draw attention to the drawbacks of distance learning and address them. By providing a range of tools and methods designed to combat isolation, facilitate communication and social interaction, and support the mental and emotional well-being of both students and teachers, PLACEDU has the potential to significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of online learning. This is an important development that will help to ensure that students have access to high-quality education, regardless of their location or circumstances.
OTB Director Marko Paunovic noted that “the last few years revealed a need to innovate and adapt to include, for example, remote learning models. The research of the PLACEDU project is a step forward to an evidence-based higher quality of remote education”.
The PLACEDU project is implemented by 7 partners from 6 countries: Lithuania (XWHY and Vilnius University), Slovenia (University of Ljubljana), Cyprus (CSI), Belgium (OTB International), Iceland (University of Island), and Greece (SOCIAL POLICY ACADEMY).
The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ KA2 Programme of the European Commission.
[1] Lithuania, Slovenia, Cyprus, Belgium, Iceland, Greece
[2] Different country reports can be reached on our platform
[3] Education and Training Monitor 2021, Belgium; (23.06.2022) https://op.europa.eu/webpub/eac/education-and-training-monitor-2021/en/belgium.html
[4] DE MAN, J., BUFFEL, V., VAN DE VELDE, S. et al. (2021) Disentangling depression in Belgian higher education students amidst the first COVID-19 lockdown (April-May 2020). Arch Public Health 79, 3. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13690-020-00522-y