It’s with great excitement that we announce our REBUILD event (REBUILDing Society Through Youth Engagement) with plenty of interactive sessions scheduled for the 3rd, 4th and 5th of May.
We are thrilled to bring together a diverse group of young experts, innovators, and leaders in the heart of Brussels, for engaging talks, workshops, and networking opportunities centered around various topics, such as civic engagement of underrepresented youth, social solidarity and green lifestyle. This event is designed to inspire and empower (even more) its attendees and (to continue) to make a positive impact in their communities and the world, promoting all these topics at a local and EU level after the Covid- 19 crisis. Our participants will be sharing their insights and experiences on the topics mentioned above, exchanging project ideas and discussing their experiences from the implementation of their initiatives including the strengths they identified and the challenges they faced.
By investing in local and EU youth initiatives, we can create a ripple effect. Local youth initiatives can directly impact and improve the community in which they operate. Furthermore, on the EU level, youth initiatives can help to create a more sustainable future. Engaging the youth in the fight against climate change and promoting green lifestyles can create lasting change at the national and international levels. The youth are the generations that will inherit our planet, and involving them in decision-making on issues that affect them is essential.