Out of the Box InternationalJust another WordPress site

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Supported by Erasmus + Programme

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Open Digital Europe

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Out of the Box International develops a tailor made open data model and policies based on open digital environment which is transparent, accountable and secured.

Social Businesses

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Out of the Box International works with already existing hubs, various local and national stakeholders and social entrepreneurs in order to further develop and promote successful social entrepreneurship policies and practices.

Solidarity Europe

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Out of the Box International delivers expertise in the field of cohesive policies by using cross-sectorial approach and non-formal  education, in a global perspective.

European Project

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Out of the Box International  works further to enhance current cooperation in South East Europe region and actively supports the integration of all European countries in common European project.

Are you curious about the impact of volunteering in your community? Join our latest training session to discover the benefits of understanding and communicating the true value of volunteer work. Ideal for volunteer managers!

Training Overview: The training aims to educate volunteer managers about the functionalities and benefits of the V-CALC platform, as well as get more people to participate in the online training sessions.


  • Equip volunteer managers with comprehensive training on impact measurement.
  • Enhance engagement through interactive and relatable content.
  • Increase the network of trained volunteer managers.
  • Provide volunteers and organizations with tools to improve their impact measurement capabilities.

Target Audience:

  • Volunteer managers and coordinators across the EU and neighbouring regions.
  • Non-profit organizations involved in volunteer activities.
  • Stakeholders in education, training, youth, and sports sectors.
  • General Public.

The training consists of two (2) two-hour modules, with specific objectives for each of the 6 composed sessions:

  • Introduction (20 minutes)
  • Understanding volunteering impact (20 minutes)
  • Introducing the V-Calc Methodology for Volunteer Impact Measurement (15 minutes)
  • Work in Small Groups – Simulation and Practical (45 minutes)
  • Introduction to the V-Calc Platform (10 minutes)
  • Feedback and Evaluation (10 minutes)

The training is designed to be practical, concise and interactive. The exercises are prepared to give participants both a theoretical basis and practical experience, so they can learn more about the V-Calc methodology for volunteer impact measurement while also sharing their experience. The training strongly relies on the combination of learning by doing and a learner-centred approach, thanks to online interactive tools that allow participants to interact live and actively participate.

Introducing our dedicated platform to measure the impact of volunteering!

Register for free for the upcoming training sessions in September 2024!

Learn how to:

✅ Track volunteer hours and achievements

✅ Generate impactful reports

✅ Improve your volunteer programs

✅ Showcase the true value of your contributions

Don’t miss out! #VolunteeringImpactEU

6th September 14:00-16:00 LINK
18th September 14:00-16:00 LINK
26th September 14:00 – 16:00 Registration link


These events are organized under the V-CALC project, dedicated to developing a methodology for measuring the impact of volunteering efforts across Europe.

#VolunteeringImpactEU #V-calc #EU #volunteeirng


Why Out of the Box International

The seemingly ever-lasting depression of European economies has shaken the very foundations of many European societies. The shear rate of unemployment in Europe and the omnipresent environmental crisis coupled with the often frustratingly slow process of decision making in the EU, are calling for civil society actors to step in and fill the void.

In the aftermath of the 2008. economic crisis, the apprehension of falling under the spell of apathy of economic depression across the continent has not been easy to shake off. However, pinpointing the culprits for the current state of affairs on any particular EU decision maker is not the answer. Nonetheless, the fact remains that the current approach to the economic and environmental crisis hasn’t yet shown the affected citizens the light at the end of the tunnel.

As representatives of the civil society we feel the need to make our voice heard in the midst of the current debate on economic crisis. Being a social enterprise we offer new and feasible ideas in education and community work, creative cross-sectorial cooperation among different actors and strong networking coalitions to turn these dire economic challenges into possibilities through social entrepreneurship initiatives which aim at benefiting wide range of citizens, particularly vulnerable groups and those affected by the economic crisis.

Social entrepreneurship is a simple concept that has been put into practice by civil society actors for the benefit of a specific social group or people, and this is precisely what we want: to create projects and initiatives with fresh ideas in different policies, educational programs or tools, support businesses, empower cultural initiatives and offer different solutions to individuals, corporate bodies, everybody who believe that we can have more Creative, Innovative and Cohesive Europe.


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