The Covid-19 outbreak has affected all social segments, especially vulnerable social groups, with consequences that need to be addressed to mitigate their long-term effects. Engaging youth, whose prospects and mental well-being have been affected the most (FRA, 2020; Eurofound, 2020) is key to support the recovery of EU’s social fabric after such an unprecedented crisis which has strongly impacted societies across the globe. Before the outbreak, more than 50% of young Europeans perceived themselves as socio-economically marginalized2 based on geographical (EC, 2017) or ethnic origin, and sexual orientation, etc. Already excluded from democratic life (CoE, 2018)3, youth now face a higher risk of misinformation and infodemics as an obstacle to their civic participation (EC, 2020). Conversely, a sustainable post-Covid-19 scenario requires the engagement of all sectors of society, particularly youth, whose engagement can provide great support to many other vulnerable segments of society (elderly people, people with special needs, children, students etc.), e.g., by sharing correct information or volunteering.
Youth’s engagement can also be very effective to encourage the adoption of more sustainable lifestyles in the local community, at a time when attention to the environment is becoming more important than ever to ensure all living beings’ health. With a view to enhance young people’s preparedness to respond to such social emergencies, the action addresses these challenges by promoting youth inclusive participation in EU’s civic life, networking among youth, stakeholders, policy makers, and fostering youth’s sense of belonging to both their local community and the EU, by supporting their project ideas to contribute to the reconstruction of inclusive and greener societies.
The project REBUILDing society through youth engagement aims to empower youth organisations/informal groups of young people, and underrepresented young people by enhancing their participation, dialogue, civic engagement and networking at local and EU level while supporting the rebuilding of inclusive and greener societies in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis. The specific objectives are:
- to strengthen capacities of youth organisations/informal groups of young people by stimulating an exchange of good practices on social solidarity and green lifestyle initiatives and by developing local and transnational networks;
- to enhance skills of underrepresented young people by providing them with tools needed to foster innovative forms of civic participation, constructive dialogue and awareness raising campaigning;
- to empower underrepresented youth to play a key role by engaging them directly in project design and implementation for rebuilding inclusive and greener societies;
- to promote new strategies for the inclusion and participation of underrepresented young people by actively engaging them in a dialogue with youth stakeholders and policy makers.
REBUILD will empower, bring together and give the youth sector a voice to take active part in the recovery process in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, by engaging and connecting youth in networks of solidarity, fostering their EU citizens’ identity, and improving their preparedness to engage in supporting their local community.
The project is implemented by 7 partners from Italy (CESIE), Martinique – France (D’Antilles & D’Ailleurs), Greece (KMOP), Spain (AIIJ), Lithuania (Active Youth Association), Cyprus (CARDET) and Belgium (OTB).
The REBUILD project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ KA3 European Youth Together Programme of the European Commission.