European Project/ Europe Talking
Serbia, among the entire region of the Balkans, has been a place long-isolated from the rest of Europe. The narrative of fear and populism became the only truth citizens know and recognize – it is a narrative full of phobias, misconceptions about others and brimming with Euroscepticism. Many citizens are misinformed on the benefits EU brings to them. The most recent polls concerning the acceptance of the EU show that over 77% of citizens are still skeptical about the future of Serbia in the EU (Dec 2016, Government of RS). These polls show a similar trend in other Non-EU partner countries. The municipality of Vracar (Belgrade) recognized this as a big problem and decided to issue a local response by starting the European Month celebration in order to celebrate European heritage and to promote European Citizenship. We want to involve municipalities of partner organizations in this project and create real European experience. The aim of Europe Talking is to involve students into discussion about European citizenship and to promote European values in order to fight Euroscepticizm.
The project will consist of preparation, the event and the follow up campaign. The event in Vracar will bring together students from 5 countries who will engage for 4 days in experiencing/learning about basic EU values, European citizenship, Euroscepticism and EU history. The event will consist of a training, a public event and the planning of the follow up activities. They will prepare a public event called Europe Talking in a form of “living library” presentations.
The project is supported by the Europe for Citizens programme.