The purpose of the project “SLUSIK: Service Learning Upscaling Social Inclusion for Kids” is to promote and support social inclusion by enhancing the acquisition of social and civic competences and fostering knowledge, understanding and ownership of values and fundamental rights in school leavers.
The project main target groups, and direct beneficiaries are
- School students (12-16 years old) from participating schools;
- Schools and school teachers;
- High Education Institutions (HEIs);
- Higher Education students (the role models)
- Policy makers;
- Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)/ Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in the local community (grassroots organisations).
General objective
To Enhance the acquisition of social and civic competences, fostering knowledge, understanding and ownership of values and fundamental rights among secondary school students/young people ages 12- 16 in order to contribute to their social inclusion at the local level and in society in general.
Over the planned 24 months, a full circle of activities is envisioned, encompassing project coordination and quality control, stages of research and upscaling of the model, piloting SLUSIK curricula in schools, as well visibility and advocacy activities. The project will run on the basis of existing models and will require extensive involvement of a wide group of stakeholders, such as teachers, educational practitioners, schools, HEIs, decisionmakers and NGOs working in the field of education and others.
The SLUSIK Project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, is led by the CEV (Belgium) in collaboration with Out of the Box International (Belgium), Rijeka University (Croatia) , University of Limerick (Ireland), University of Granada (Spain), University College of Teacher Education, Vienna (Austria), Matej Bel University (Slovakia).