The project titled ”Include Me – Creation of the Training Scheme for Prevention of Early School Leaving” is mainly aimed at building the capacity of youth workers and youth organizations to create innovative non-formal education methods that will help young people with poor school performance not to fall out from formal education system, labor market and society. The project is realized under the programme Erasmus plus, Key Action 2 Capacity Building in the field of Youth. The partners on the project include LIBERO (Serbia) as Lead Partner, Technical School Obrenovac (Serbia), TiPovej (Slovenia), PRONI Center for youth development (Bosnia&Herzegovina), Kosova Young Lawyers (Kosovo), JEF Montenegro (Montenegro) and MOJU (Portugal) which collaborated on the project withing the period from November 2015 to October 2016.
The project’s main objectives are to create cross-sectorial cooperation between youth organizations, educational institutions and the business sector in order to create new approaches for the preparation of young people with poor school performance to enter the labour market. Furthermore, the project aims to build the capacity of youth organizations trough mobility activities, a study visit and a training to produce flexible learning methods for young people with poor school performance, thus decreasing early school leaving. Finally, the project’s objective is to launch, test and implement this new training scheme and an online training kit ensuring better access to the labour market and self-employment of young people with poor school performance. The project’s main activities include: a Stakeholders meeting and Study Visit on Early School Leaving and Low School Performance, a Training course for youth workers and teachers and the production of a Manual and Training Scheme for improving low school performance of students and increasing their motivation for Education.