The project “YOUth on AIR – developing active participation and intercultural dialogue among youth through online media tools” intends to strengthen and build –through training and exchange of good practices – competences of young people in open digital media and practice their right for freedom of expression. It provides space for youngsters from different ethnic and religious backgrounds to jointly coordinate Youth Internet Radio and produce multilingual shows and posts.
The project will offer the following learning opportunities:
** Developing digital competencies
**Developing competencies in providing new approaches for direct media involvement;
** Raising awareness about the youth field and the youth work provision by highlighting the contribution of young people as creators of radio content and improving their participation;
** Eliminating stereotypes and promoting multidimensional portrayal in radio i.e. making girls and young women’s voices become a significant part of radio broadcasting more broadly; using the radio as a voice of the voiceless (as tool for social integration of young migrants and refugees)
The project will be implemented by 5 partners from 4 countries. Art of the Box (Belgium), Peshkar (United Kingdom), Out of the Box International (Belgium), Centrifuge (Serbia), CID (North Macedonia).
The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ KA2 Programme of the European Commission