The importance of volunteering has long been acknowledged by the EU. However, there is a lack of a systematic and structured EU approach towards volunteering and recognition of voluntary work. You Voice project aims to foster the inclusion, active youth participation and enhance employability of young people by the establishment of a certificate of volunteer work. In this frame, this project revolves the implementation of ECVET system for the validation of knowledge, skills and competencies of young volunteers and youth workers. Within this context, project’s objectives are: -To promote skills, competencies and knowledge that young people in participation countries and in general Europe gained through volunteer work and informal and non-formal learning processes -To foster the inclusion and employability of young people, including people with fewer opportunities and young immigrants and refugees -To support improvements in quality and innovation in youth work and volunteer work in NGOs, organizations and institutions (private and public) and further develop and train people involved in the field of youth -To foster the recognition and quality of volunteer work and promote the networking, training and exchanging of good practices among youth workers in a local, regional and European level. Voice project will establish a methodology for the development of a certification of volunteer work that consists of a number of different stages: 01. Establishment of Volunteers’ profile (O1) 02. Development of the methodology for the certification – Establishment of certification (O2) 03. Establishment of credit system (O3) 04. Pilot testing / Development of the Platform (O4) 05. Policy (O5) During the 24-month duration of this project, 6 national events, 1 international event, 1 international training and 3 transnational meetings will take place in all participating countries. Target group: volunteers, young people, youth organizations, NGOs staff members, team leaders, youth leaders, trainers, youth and social workers.
The project is implemented by a consortium of partners from Germany (Italcam as the coordinating organisation), Cyprus (Social Policy and Action Organization), Italy (Gramigna ODV), Portugal (Rightchallenge Association), Greece (iED), Belgium (Out of the Box International) and United Kingdom (Go Digit All).
The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.