The project “Training of trainer in Citizenship Education: Global Responses in Preventing Radicalization” aims to develop capacities of educational and youth work practitioners (teachers and youth workers) to work on combating violent radicalization by designing and delivering educational programmes topromote Global Citizenship Education.
The project involves educators, youth workers, teachers and volunteer leaders worldwide willing to become educators in global citizenship issues. We believe this target group will be the best multipliers, possessing the passion and in the position to continue the discussion and action through their work with young people.
The project itself is set up as cooperation among 8 partner organisations: Out of the Box International (Belgium/European International Organization), Center for Intercultural Dialogue (Macedonia), Realization (Croatia), Kenya Scouts Association (Kenya), Centre for Community Regeneration and Development (Cameroon), SJ Vietnam (Vietnam), Secondary School Nace Budjoni (Macedonia), and NARXOZ UNIVERSITY (Kazakhstan).
The project is co-funded by Erasmus + Programme of the European Commission.