”Youth Inc: Developing Inclusive Youth Policies” is a training course realised in partnership with the Italian based umbrella organisation GAL Molise verso il 2000 under the auspices of Erasmus plus Programme, Key Action 1, Learning Mobility of Individuals in the Youth Field. Starting 03-10/07/2015, the TC gathered 21 youth workers from 7 European countries with the aim to develop participants’ competences in implementing effective advocacy actions and fostering social cohesion in their local communities and fields of work. During this event the participants were developing the competences in advocacy for social inclusion, youth work, and participatory youth policy.
In addition, they were equipped with basic participatory advocacy and lobbying techniques and empowered with tools and competences to support youth with fewer opportunities to actively participate in youth policy mainstreaming. Furthermore, the participants worked on creating common understanding of the importance to involve youth organizations working with vulnerable groups of young people in the consultative processes and youth policy in general at local, national and European level. Finally, concrete recommendations and guidelines for different stakeholders in youth policy were created on how to bring about more effective inclusion tools in decision making processes.